1. Plasma Fluid Equilibrium Stability Group The purpose of the group is to study the properties of magnetically confined fusion plasmas in the aspects of ...more >> |
2. Energetic Particle Group Energetic particle group studies energetic particle physics in toroidal plamas via computer simulation. Important subjects of the simulation studies are@...more >> |
3. Integrated Transport Simulation Group Extending physics understandings for the energy confinement beyond a scaling law is mandatory to increase ...more >> |
4. Neoclassical and Turbulent Transport Simulation Group We promote the gyro-kinetic, drift-kinetic and/or fluid model simulation studies on turbulent and neoclassical ...more >> |
5. Peripheral Plasma Transport Research Group Our group develops theoretical models and simulation codes related to plasma transport in LHD SOL/divertor....more >> |
6. Plasma-Wall Interaction Group Tungsten material is one of promising candidates for divertor plates in nuclear fusion reactors. Bubble formation is observed on the surface ...more >> |
7. Multi-Hierarchy Physics Group Multiple space-time scales are contained in motions of plasma, thereby, it is difficult to fully and effectively describe plasma phenomena with one physical ...more >> |
8. Simulation Science Basis Group We research three-dimensional scientific visualization technology to visualize the simulation and experiment results, and to contribute to the device design ....more >> |